Mushrooms! There are so many species and fantastical forms of mushrooms and fungi, it’s almost overwhelming.
I was fascinated by the variety and forms of fungi. While there are some interesting stylized mushrooms in many games, I haven’t found a good spread of quality looking realistic mushrooms, except one or two scans of a pretty common species of brown ones.
So hopefully this pack can spark your imagination and be useful in some interesting projects!
This is a pack of about 12 different species of fungi, just a small drop in an ocean of fascinating forms and colors of real world mushrooms. While researching I stumbled across so many It would have taken me a year to make, maybe something for future packs!
Another important point to make, is this is my first UE5 as base, pack. In other word the assets are created with nanite in mind. They are relatively high poly and will not work in older versions (not with good performance anyway.) I might take up the challenge to scale them down and update with older versions of the engine, but for now its UE5 exclusive.
You will find 12 types of species, each with 4 variations, for a total of 48 meshes.
They are ranging from common ones like the Fly Agaric, to some really weird ones like Bridal veil Stinkhorns or Clathrus.
Here is the list :
False Death Cap
Fly Agaric
Honey Fungus
King Oyster
Lions Mane
Orange Burn Cup
Stemonitis Fusca
Bridal Veil Stinkhorn
Tawny Grisette
Wood Ear