Anims for UE5 and UE4 made in engine with Control Rig. Source and rig included, ready to be modified inside the engine!
Handcrafted animations for the Mannequin arms created inside the Unreal Engine using Control Rig! Fully editable inside Unreal to suit your needs, no Blender, Maya, etc. needed!! Each animation is accompanied by its source file, which is the LevelSequence file in which the animation was created in Unreal.
A custom Control Rig was created specially for making these animations, which facilitates keeping both hands on the gun. The custom rig also has automatic twisting of the forearm (lowerarm) twist bones when animating the hands. This rig is included.
All arms anims and the arms custom rig were designed for the Epic's mannequin arms skeleton.Number of Animations:22 anim sequences total:
19 for the arms: idle, walk slow, walk fast, run, sprint, 2x aim sway , 2x aim steady (hold breath), 2x walk aiming, fire, 2x fire aiming, reload empty, reload loaded, equip, un-equip, inspect. Each one accompanied by its editable LevelSequence file
3 for the rifle: fire, reload empty, reload loaded. Each one accompanied by its editable LevelSequence file
2 montages for the arms: auto fire and auto fire aiming
2 blendspaces for the arms: not aiming movement and aiming movement
1 anim blueprint for the test character
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place