A kit to help you build any kind of space game. Now you can get latest update of this pack for free!
Looking for a complete solution for getting your space game off the ground? The Space Combat Kit gives you a massive head start, taking care of the complex and difficult coding so that you can focus on creating what makes your game fun and unique.
Main Features:
Packed with features – build the foundation of your game in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take, giving you the opportunity to quickly test new creative ideas and make rapid progress toward release.
Easy to customize – enjoy a modular, event-driven design that gives you powerful customization from the inspector. Completely change the look and feel of your game without writing code - and if you need to dive in, all the code is neatly designed and documented.
Actively Supported And Updated – benefit from three years of constant development driven by a community of users just like you. No support request goes unanswered.