Support engine version: 2021.3.21 or higher.
Riding System using the Animal Controller to make your character Ride any creature.
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Horse AnimSet Pro(HAP) is an animation framework controller, Root-Motion or In-Place, for any Creature or Humanoid character.
Based on Scriptable Architecture, the asset uses modular features that you can add or remove to best fit your projects.
With more than 100 AAA-quality Animations, HAP is the number one Riding System for Unity.
There are over a hundred tools that will help you achieve any situation without having to write a line of code.
Even though it includes a horse to mount, you can ride any creature from tiny rabbits to gigantic dragons.
Ready to use multiple combat abilities while riding or on the ground or simply have a smooth ride on any creature.
From Medieval lands to the harsh Wild West HAP is the cutting-edge riding solution.
Everything in Animal Controller (AC) is included in Horse Animset Pro (HAP)