I am happy to finally present to you a beta version of my geonode of Parisian Buildings!
What you've got?
A fully procedural parisian building made with geonodes!
It can be a bit heavy with the realized instance ON, so I advise you to work without it and only put ON when you have finished your setting.
Why a beta version?
The project is sufficiently advanced today to allow me to present it to you. However, I have a lot of ideas for this project to really come to fruitition!
But for this, I need time and resources. That's why I decided to release it as is to give you an early access and I expect you to give me your feedback to perfect this projet.
Altough it's a beta version, there are already quite a few options such as the possibility of choosing the size of the building width or depth.
You can also play with seems to break the feeling of repetition between the different buildings, and more!
You can choose the levels you want to display, wich allows you to potentially only have arches if necessary.
I'm sure this project is worth pursuing further so I'm waiting for your feedback.
You will of course have free updates in the future.